Sky drops HDR bombshell: UK customers will need to wait

Sky confirmed over Christmas that HDR support for Sky Q will not be forthcoming anytime soon.

High Dynamic Range or HDR is widely marketed together with 4K UHD as part of a solution to provide viewers with high picture quality with rich colours and depth.

While Sky Q supports 4K UHD services, HDR has been promised, but hasn't materialised.

Over Christmas it was confirmed on Sky's community forums that it would be "unlikely" for UK users to get the update until late next year (2020) at the earliest.

Work on the update had been pushed back to let Sky "work on other priorities."

The annoucement and the timing of it went down like a lead ballon with Sky customers, especially as Sky's premium service has over the years traditionally attracted more tech-savvy users who have come to expect being able to sample new technological innovations before other users.
